CERT Meeting Notes for July 8, 2003

Thanks to the 10 members who were in town to attend the meeting.

The meeting was opened with a huge Thank You to Les Lowman for giving a fire safety seminar at the June meeting. We are twisting his arm to do it again in the fall/winter.

Our special guest was Captain Jim Brenton, newly hired Director of Security for Spruce Creek Fly-In. Jim brings a wealth of experience to the job… US Air Force, FBI Academy, 25+ years in law enforcement in Miami Shores. Jim told us that he is very impressed with professionalism and modernization that Captain Hickox has brought to our security organization, and that he plans to build on it in various ways. Jim is very interested in working with CERT.

John Stratton gave Jim a presentation on the history, objectives, and goals of our CERT organization (text of presentation follows these notes). The big discussion item (once again) was the marking of addresses on the taxiways. John Stratton, with input from Jim, John Sluus, Ray Gage and others, will petition the POA Board to allow CERT volunteers to paint the numbers.

Jim plans to be a regular attendee at our CERT meetings, providing an on-going dialog between Security and us.

Special note: Again the topic of hurricane shelters came up. If you weren’t there, Ann Lowman passed out Volusia County Hurricane Preparedness Brochures at the June meeting and she left extra copies in the POA Office. Also, John has put pages and links from the Volusia County EOC website (http://Volusia.org/strom/default.htm), containing the same information, on our website.

No meeting scheduled for August. Please use the extra time to survey your own Zones to familiarize yourselves once again with the streets and taxiways. (Hey, I’ve got an idea… why not have Zone meetings one of these cool evenings with the few CERT neighbors who are still here for the summer.)

If any of you want to follow Les’s lead and give a presentation or workshop at one of our fall/winter meetings, please let me know. See you in September.




Spruce Creek Fly-In CERT Objectives

Spruce Creek Fly-In CERT Organization

48 Current Members (Includes 7 Security Officers)

12 +/- Potential New Members

6 Zones With 6 to 9 Members Per Zone

Special Assignments:

o Richard Becker - Director

o Dave McCarthy - Assistant Director

o Geri Hudak/Ray Gage - First Aid

o Les Lowman - Fire Safety

o Dave Haggett - Quartermaster

o Jackie Yorker - Treasurer

o Officer Walter Melton - Community Relations

o Susan Stratton - Secretary

o Duane Shaffer - Communications

Spruce Creek Fly-In CERT Meetings/Training




Volusia Cty CERT Classes


Organizational Meeting


Airport Manager Presentation


Call Tree


Basic Radio Exercise


Back Pack Show and Tell


First Aid - Jenny Weber


Debriefing of 1st Mock Disaster


Skills Inventory

Review of Video of Orlando Drill


Presentation of Command Station

Triage Video




Haz Mat Presentation


Presentation of Medical Supply Bags and Stretchers


General Meeting


Participate in EOC Drill


Review of EOC Drill


Major Mock Disaster Exercise

CERT Role in SC Activities


Water Plant Tour


Review of CERT Final Exam


Hurricane Preparedness


Command Center Drill


Fire Safety


Security Director Review

Spruce Creek Fly-In CERT

Other Notable Activities….

First Aid Class by Geri Hudak

Cribbing, Stretchers, Fire Extinguishers, Tent, First Aid Supplies, Banners, etc., Stored in POA Hangar.

First Aid Supplies Packaged and Distributed to Front Gate, Back Gate, POA Hanger, and Locker 39 at SCCC.

T-Shirts and Hats Available

Field Manuals

Website Containing All SC CERT Documentation

CPR Classes

Participation in County/State Sponsored Mock Disasters

Participation in SC Community Events/Incidents

o Toy Parade

o Wings and Wheels

o Young Eagles

o Resident Vehicle Sticker Updates

o 3 Runway Incidents (One Serious)

o Medical Emergency

o General Citizen Patrol with Radios

Spruce Creek Fly-In CERT To-Do List

The following CERT to-do list is gleaned from CERT meeting minutes and suggestions from members. They are not in any particular order of importance.

Redo Phone Tree

Fund raisers.

Grant money.

Schedule more Volusia County Fire Safety training

Layout plan for future meeting agendas (ask leaders to each take a month or 2?)

Ensure binders are up to date

Coordinate CERT procedures with SC master disaster plans (CERT/Security/Airport manager)

Involve Country Club in CERT.

More CPR classes.

Prepare a simple CERT emergency check list/reference card.

Long-range plan to hold interest of members…. Drills, continuing education, county/state activities, recruiting, officer nomination/election process, quarterly meetings vs. monthly.

Complete the canvassing of CERT members for available equipment.

Get large Volusia County map.

Complete the magnets for command center

Zone team meetings.

Committee heads (area leaders) ensure that people who have expressed interest in their areas of expertise have sufficient training.

CERT Party

"Treasure Hunt" Drill to familiarize us with the layout of SC

Spruce Creek Fly-In CERT Concerns

Call Tree Effectiveness

House Numbers Lacking (Especially on Taxiways)

More On-going Training Needed

How to Maintain Interest and Morale (Expressed as "Lack of Leadership" "Lack of Training")


May 14, 2002 • October 8, 2002 • Nov 13, 2001 • March 12, 2002 • July 9, 2002 • June 11, 2002 • Jan 8, 2002 • Feb 11, 2002 • Dec 11, 2001 • April 16, 2002 • Jan 14, 2003 • April 8, 2003 • May 13, 2003 • June 10, 2003 • July 8, 2003