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CERT Meeting notes from Tues. November 13, 2001

Because the secretary wasn't drafted until the latter part of the meeting, these notes may be incomplete. Please feel free to send any omissions for inclusion in the next update.

Captain Hickox asked for a volunteer to become the CERT Director. There were no volunteers however Dave Mc Carthy agreed to be Co - Director. Captain Hickox will act as Director for the time being. Captain Hickox asked that committee heads be established for the following areas. The duty of the committee head will be to ensure that we have sufficient people trained in their respective areas and that the areas are defined and described sufficiently for the SC - CERT program.

- Fire Suppression

- Medical

- Search / Rescue

- Staging

- Logistics / communications (includes CERT member support during crisis)

He also asked for volunteers to supply or research the following items / topics. (These may or may not fall under a specific committee).

- Equipment - canvas SC for available vans, chain saws, 4x4's, golf carts, generators, and other appropriate emergency equipment.

- Training - give, obtain or supervise re-current training in each of the major areas. Les Lowman will do segment on Fire.

- Obtaining Fire Extinguishers - Ed Hickox

- Obtain deal on small hand held Motorola radios - Chris Selander

- Need a "Quartermaster" to ensure supplies are stored and available, inventoried on a regular basis

- Triage ribbon procurement and preparation for Medical team - John Champlain

- Fund Raisers

- Grants - Ed Hickox

- Hangars available for Triage (assuming there are any standing)

- members indicated their interests as to which team they preferred to serve on with the understanding that they would also be asked to do other things and that everyone is expected to report in the event of a disaster regardless of type.

Other points of interest discussed"

- Captain Hickox will get map of community

- "Call Tree" of CERT members being developed by Duane Shaffer

- Emergency Operations Center Radio frequency needs to be obtained - Duane and E. Hickox

- Meetings will be held the second Tues. of each month at 1pm in the POA Hangar (until further notice) - next meeting is Dec. 11,2001

- CERT Members should monitor e-mail, channel 2 and SCPOA Website @ www.scpoa.com for CERT news

- a CERT page to be added to scpoa.com website - John Stratton / Ed Hickox

- EOC tour will be scheduled sometime during week of Nov. 26th - 30th. E. Hickox to confirm - watch e-mail & channel 2 for date and time

- CPR Classes will be scheduled between 11/26 - Dec. 21. E.Hickox will set these up and communicate. Capt. Hickox asked all CERT members to sign up for CPR.

- More than one (Tree) staging area will need to be considered depending on where disaster assistance is required.

- Some team members to tour Creekside Elementary School since it is designated as an evacuation shelter. Team needs to know what they have on hand for emergencies. We need to be familiar with it in the event we need to move people to that location. E. Hikox to arrange

- Budget for CERT has been proposed however not approved. Members at today's meeting agreed to purchase their radios with the understanding they could be reimbursed at a later date once budget is approved.

- Binders with CERT info. - members, maps, inventory of supplies, radio frequency info., community emergency contacts.