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CERT Notes from Tuesday, December 11, 2001


Next CERT training session will be held on Wednesday January 29th, Thursday the 30th & Friday the 31st. Please encourage friends and neighbors to join. Location is yet to be determined depending on construction at POA hangar. Don't forget members who would like to attend portions of this session are free to do so, just contact the instructor before class so he knows who you are.

TIME CHANGE for future CERT Meetings… Tuesday, January 8th, 2002 at 2 pm (NOT 1 PM).

CPR classes are tentatively scheduled for Security staff in early January. CERT member CPR training will be held in conjunction with the CERT training in January - one afternoon and one evening class. This still needs to be confirmed, so check Channel 2 and e-mail for further notice. CPR for other members of the community will be held at a latter date.


Airport Management Responsibility vs. CERT :

Pete Rouse discussed Hurricane plans for airport and also the procedure for responding to an emergency at the airport. CERT members should not get involved in an emergency at the airport unless they have been called to do so. Airport and security staff will handle these. If we observe an accident, we were asked to notify Security first before calling 911. However, if 911 is called first, he asked that Security be called also so they can clear the gate for the emergency vehicles and make plans to escort them to the site as well as dispatch the necessary staff to the scene.

Copies of the Spruce Creek Airport Emergency Response Operation and Airport Management Procedure Hurricane Plan were made available and will be filed in the CERT binders to be maintained at front and back gates. We still need a volunteer to be responsible for putting these binders together. Anyone willing to make binders please contact me, Ed Hickox or Dave McCarthy.


Thanks to a generous donation from Brenda and Bill Lear, Capt. Hickox was able to purchase radios for all CERT members. These are radios are CERT property, so radios were assigned and signed for by serial # by the members who attended the meeting. Those of you who were not at the last meeting may sign for yours at the January meeting. If you are not able to participate in meetings or decide at a later date that you are no longer able to serve, the radios must be turned back in. If you loose the radio, you owe CERT the going rate to replace it. The radios are covered by a Service Plan, so if you have any trouble, let Capt. Hickox or Dave McCarthy know, and they will work with you to get your radio replaced.

The emergency frequency of 9 sub11 (911) was programmed into each radio along plus directions on how to use them were provided. We were encouraged to get a lanyard to clip into the radio vs. using belt clip as it may pop off in an emergency. Security will have a CERT radio in a vehicle at all times and they monitor our frequency at the guard gates. If we observe anything such as vandalism, accident etc., we may use our radios to contact them. You may also request a radio check at anytime to test your radio.

Call Tree:

Dave McCarthy has completed the call tree. He presented and reviewed it with us. We are asked to use it for a practice run to remind each other of our next meeting. Capt. Hickox is at the top, so he will start the process at least a week prior to the next meeting on Jan. 8th, 2002.

SC Zone Map:

Capt. Hickox distributed and reviewed the SC map identified by quadrants. It was suggested that we laminate these so that moisture doesn't damage them. These Zone #'s will be used to identify an area where a disaster has occurred. As we get organized, we will be assigned to Zone based on where we live so that we make observations and report status of each particular area once we meet at the tree as to the.

CERT Reserves:

Capt. Hickox discussed the possibility of a Team of active CERT members who would be willing to take an additional 15 hours of hands-on training to act as back up help if the Security staff is short handed due to illness or emergency. There were a large number of members interested in this. It has now been approved by POA, so the Capt. will keep us posted in future meetings.

CERT Treasurer:

With the donation from the Lear's and a contribution from the sales of the "Biker Belles" Calendar, it was decided that it was time for us to have a Treasurer. Dottie Jernigan volunteered to do this. Thanks Dottie!

Tagging Equipment:

All members are asked to put their name in black tape or black marker on the back of their hat and over right breast on vest as well as across the back of vest.

Thanks to those who were able to help out at Toy Parade. John Champlain, our gracious table sitter, said that we got about a dozen good leads.

Summary of accomplishments since first meeting:

- Radios purchased and distributed

- Emergency frequency for CERT radio is 9 sub 11 (911)

- SCPOA Web site now has CERT page

- John Chaplain and Doris Kennedy purchased Triage tags for the team. They will be distributed at next meeting.

- Call list completed and distributed

- SC Zone Map completed and distributed

- EOC tour was completed by Nov. class

- CPR classes set up for Security and CERT members

- Susan Stratton started an inventory of CERT member assets in the event of a disaster… trucks, golf carts, planes, generators, chain saws (this list will be ongoing as new members join us)

We still need the following:

- "Quartermaster" to start list of what CERT needs to have in POA hangar in the event of an emergency such as cribbing material, generator, bandages, water etc. This person will also be responsible for inventorying this stock as needed to ensure quality of supplies.

- "Manager" of the CERT Binders to be kept at each gate. These will contain CERT member information, procedures such as hurricane evacuation procedure, community emergency contacts such as Drs. and RN's, Security personnel etc.

- "Coordinator" for on going education - someone to line up speakers or people to demonstrate things to the group on topics pertaining to CERT.