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CERT Jan 8th, 2002, Meeting Notes


24 out of 34 members were in attendance of this meeting.

CPR Classes:

CPR Class change of schedule was discussed. I will contact Mike Renaurt and Charlie Clark Monday, the 14th to see about scheduling them for another session.

The Jan. 23rd from 1-5 PM session is full. There are still two open slots in each of the other three sessions.

Jan.17th, from 1-5 PM, attendees are: Duane and Claire Shaffer, Pete Vandersluis, Richard Becker, Wood, Mitchell, Selander and Zimmer.

Jan. 17th, from 6:30 - 9:30 PM, attendees are: Melton, Soleau, Fonseca, Cravens, Fiumara, Hickox, Kepple, and Mourikas.

Jan. 23rd, from 1-5 PM, attendees are: Brenda Lear, Eleanor Champlain, Geraldine Hudak, Dottie Jernigan, Dave & Mary McCarthy, Judy Jenkins, Kearney, Bovee, Sandora

Jan. 23rd, from 6:30 - 9:30 PM, attendees are: John and Susan Stratton, Petra Van Zandt, John Champlain, Doris Kennedy, Carol Pook, Raymond Gage

Be sure to dress for the weather, as class will be in the POA hangar. Plus, bring a blanket, comforter or something similar use to kneel/sit on the floor.

Call Tree:

The call tree was used to let people know about the CPR classes. From the show of hands it looked like only 1/2 of the people had been called. So we decided to use it again to give notice for the next meeting and then do a review in our February meeting to see if there were any breakdowns. The call will start one week prior to next meeting.


Badges were given out to those in attendance. Those who did not attend can pick them up

from Capt. E. Hickox office at the back gate.

All but one radio has been assigned.

Next CERT (January 29,30,31) class: The group was reminded that they could attend segments of this session as refreshers. The next CERT class isn't full yet, so we were asked to encourage friends and neighbors to attend.

Carole Pook showed the group a light-weight plastic folder with plastic sheet holders that would work well for our back packs to store reference materials such as call tree, zone map, CERT gen. information, Radio info, etc. She volunteered get folders for each member and to bring them to the next meeting.

I forgot to mention in the meeting that our Treasurer, Dottie Jernigan, has set up the CERT bank account. It had to be set up under POA Tax ID # for us to be tax exempt and be able to accept tax-deductible donations. Anyone incurring expenses as a result of things they handle for the CERT group (for example, Carole Pook with plastic folders) needs to save the receipts and get them to Dottie for re-imbursement.

Security Reserve:

There were several members interested in the 15 hr. on the job security volunteer training: They are: Ann Lowman, Richard Becker, Pete Vandersluis, Brenda Lear, John Champlain, Geri Hukak, Nancy Hunter and David Mc Carthy. Capt. Ed Hickox will be in touch with them to set up training times. If anyone else is interested in being a Security Volunteer, please contact Capt. Ed Hickox at 304-1907 or 788-9111.

Education topics / speakers for meetings:

I've started a list of topics for future meetings. If you have any suggestions, please get them to me.

There was much discussion about the radios, how to set them, reception, and how to contact Security for radio checks. It was decided that a Radio Workshop would be the topic for our February 11th meeting. Also, the Feb meeting will be a good chance for everybody to meet the new members from the January class.

Next Meeting:

Tuesday - February 11th. @ 2 PM

Topic: Radio use and testing, review of zone maps and call tree

Location: Under the tree, weather permitting.

Bring: Golf carts, scooters, and bikes so we can get out to different zones to test our radios.

If rain - meet in POA hangar

March Meeting: Tuesday, March 11th @ 2PM, POA Hangar. Plan to bring your backpacks