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CERT Meeting Notes from 2/11/02


36 out of 53 CERT members were present at this meeting.

Next CERT meeting will be March 12, 2002 at 2pm in Doris Kennedy's hangar. Go to east end of Cessna Blvd. until you see # 222 and turn in and go to last hangar on the left.

Capt. Ed Hickox introduced new CERT members. They were assigned radios and given badges. The graduation & EOC tour for the last class will be Friday, March 1st, 2002 (not Feb. 22 as was previously stated) at 11AM. Ed asked that they (and any other CERT team members who would like to go) meet at the tree by the runway at 10:15 to car pool up to the center. Graduation will be first at 11AM, and then the tour of Emergency Operations Center will take place at noon.

Capt. Hickox then introduced Fire & Services Capt. Gaines who resides here in Spruce Creek. Capt. Gaines said he was very happy with our progress and the number of people participating. He said the county is trying to get a full-time CERT coordinator plus grant money for portable defibrillators. Capt. Hickox noted that if the grant money doesn't materialize, perhaps CERT could do a fundraiser to help purchase them.

CPR Classes - Capt. Hickox will arrange for another daytime session soon.

Dave Mc Carthy reviewed the latest version of the call tree. The call tree worked fairly well in notifying members of our meeting. Only a few people had not received a call. This may have been a result of not everyone not having latest call tree. We'll try again for March meeting.

Updated copies of the roster and call tree were handed out to attendees. Also, Mary and Dave McCarthy provided a nicely laminated, pocket-sized version of the call tree. Copies are available to pick at the back gate for those of you who didn't attend.

Duane Shaffer demonstrated how to program our radios and use proper language when communicating with Security or CERT Command in the event of a disaster, requesting a radio check or reporting a problem here in Spruce Creek. We were then dispersed to our zones (people were assigned to zones based on their street addresses) for radio checks. This was a worthwhile exercise. Suggestions were made as a result of this exercise and will be discussed at our next meeting.

Capt. Ed Hickox announced we have a 1/2 table for Wings & Wheels on March 16th (rain date 3/17). Geri Hudak and Bonnie Siler have volunteered to attend the table, but we will need a few more folks to cover the table for max. of an hour each. If anyone else would be willing to participate, please send Susan Stratton an e-mail @ sprucecreek@netzero.net or call her at 304-6128.

The agenda at the next meeting (March 12, 2002 at 2pm in Doris Kennedy's hangar) will include:

Review radio exercise.

Discuss call tree.

Discuss establishing zone "captains." Follow up on the topic brought up by Mike Keemar that serious thought should be put into organizing the zones with defined leaders, identified specialists, etc. Especially important is to discuss how we as a CERT organization initially communicate if telephone service is down.

Backpack "show and tell." Some of you have done a great job preparing your backpacks, so please bring your packs and share ideas.

Final exam review. Several people at the Feb meeting got CERT course Final Exams to take home for a review exercise. Susan will lead a discussion session where she will divulge the answer sheet. Don't worry if you didn't get an Exam copy, we will pass more out at the meeting.

Possible Guest Speaker. Dave McCarty is trying to schedule Jenny Webber for one of our meetings. If she can come in March, we will postpone the Final Exam exercise until April.


Note: If you have communication, leadership, delegation, and organizational skills, you may be the person to take over the CERT Director's position. (Capt. Ed Hickox, although a SC resident, is a full-time employee of the POA and as such should be in an advisory role, rather than director.) If you would like to be considered for this fun and rewarding job, please contact Capt. Ed or Susan Stratton.