CERT Drill (Treasure Hunt) – June 23rd 2004

Twenty CERT members and 3 guests participated in the June 23rd Treasure Hunt Drill.  The drill was not only entertaining, but it was also very instruction, because it gave all participants an opportunity to use their radio skills and to learn more about the community. Prizes and surprises were handed out at the tree during the debreifing.

Kick off at the Children's Park

Wrap up at the Tree.

Below is the scenario and answers (in parentheses)  used for the June 23rd Treasure Hunt exercise:

                                    CERT Drill (Treasure Hunt) – June 23rd 2004

     Purpose: In an emergency, to be able to find locations and necessary equipment as well as refresh radio skills.

Teams: not more than two people


Vehicles to be used: Golf cart, bicycle, motor scooter, foot (no cars or trucks).

Obey all rules of the airport and road (no illegal short cuts).

You may go to locations in any order.

Each team (2 people) must stay together (one can’t go to one location and the other to another).

To receive points you must have proof (paper ticket) that you were actually there. You will only get points of you have your slip of paper to prove you were there.

50 Points will be deducted if you do not radio in after the activities where it is noted to do so.

If your transmission is not confirmed, do you recall from training what to do to contact CERT Command?

Time limit for the drill will be one hour

Meet at the Tree one hour from “official” start time.

A 30 min. warning will be announced and then a 10 min. warning. You are responsible for watching the time since there is a chance you may not hear transmissions.

50 point penalty for each minute you are late

Prizes, wrap-up & refreshments under the TREE


                                                TREASURE HUNT



                        Locate the following items:

CERT First aid bags – there is one bag in 3 locations

   75 pts. ea    Locate 1 bag – be sure to get your slip at each bag location

                        Locate 2 bags

                      Locate 3 bags

                        Locate all 3 bags get an extra 150 BONUS pts.

                        (300 + 150 = 450 for all)

·        When you have completed this activity, contact CERT command on your radio. Example: CERT Command, this is CERT # 317 (if you can’t remember your # use your name) do you read?

                        (Bag locations: POA CERT Cabinet, back gate, Ladies Locker room at the club.)

200                            Locate the CERT command center – be sure you get your paper slip to show you found it.

(Command Ctr. Is located at the back gate.)

200                            Locate the CERT Emergency radio – there are two–take a paper slip

(Located at front & back gate.)

100                           Locate the CERT supply cabinet and get a paper slip off the cabinet.

(Located in POA

* When you have completed this activity, contact CERT  command on your radio

100 ea.     There are five fire extinguisher boxes around the runway. How many can you find? Take a paper slip off the box.




250 Bonus For finding all five boxes

* When you have completed this activity, contact CERT  command on your radio

                     (500 pts for 5 + 250 = 750

(Piper near runway, Windsock Park, exit from 23/Lima end, Lindy Loop &  runway 5 near bench & tie down area at Beach & Runway.)


200 pts        Where is the phone tree system located? Be sure to get a slip to show you were there.

                     (Located at Front Gate

200 ea.       Zone members – how many from your zone are present?

100 ea.       Absent CERT members, if you find an absent one, bring them along for 100 Bonus points

100                         Locate the water treatment plant –Go to the sign for your slip of proof       

(Lindy loop & runway 5

100   Ea.      Av Gas Pump location –

200 Bonus Locate the two aviation fuel pump areas – be sure to get your paper slip. Please do not interfere with any traffic there.

(200 + 200 Bonus = 400)

(East end of Cessna & Beach)


200 ea.     Fire hydrants – there are two in runway/taxiway area. Can you find  them? Take a paper slip.

*When you have completed this activity, contact CERT     command on your radio

                        (Locations: one is near bld. where Piper hangers near chain that blocks traffic from going along side of runway. Second is near the other end of Piper hangers near Beach  Blvd.)

100 Bonus if you find both for a total of 500 pts.

 100               Locate the Runway lights control box

                        (At bottom of Beacon light pole)

Tie Breakers:


>Complete CERT attire: Radio, shoes, CERT ID badge, Hard Hat, Zone map, Zone Checklist, Goggles, Gloves

>Who finished first?

>Flip a coin