CERT Meeting Notes for October 13th, 2003

Note: Thank you to the 14 people who attended this month’s meeting.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 11th.

Meeting Highlights

Big thank you to Geri Hudak for her first aid class on Fracture Treatment! Geri gave us a lecture and then a hands-on clinic for treating different types of fractures, their symptoms, effects, and the appropriate actions to be taken.

If anyone has some extra ¼" or 3/8" plywood that can be cut into 6"X30" strips, we could use it for leg splints.

Kid’s Carnival Five CERT and 2 "civilians" volunteered to help watch the kids and shuttle folks at the Kid’s Carnival.

Mock Disaster Capt. Jim Brenton and Ed Hickox are going to chair the next mock disaster. They will be soliciting help from our members as needed.

Pete Vandersluis is getting his plans together to start painting the taxiway house numbers in November. A notice will be posted on Channel 2 and put in the Update.

Dave McCarthy will be updating the phone tree. Capt Jim Brenton plans to test it when it becomes available.

Ed Hickox has started the effort to put together a Golf Tournament to raise money for CERT. Below is the plan so far. If you have any suggestions or comments, please contact Ed at 386-547-8829.

- Schedule Sunday, January 11, 2004… 8 AM registration; 9:00 AM Shotgun Start; 1:30 PM Lunch

- Format Best Ball Scramble; Prizes for First, Second, and Third Place

- Game Holes #1 – Longest Drive in Fairway; #17 – Closest to the Pin

- Tournament Rules 1.Follow all SC Country Club rules. 2. Ball may be moved one club length from the original lie (no closer to the hole) 3. Ball may not be moved from hazard or rough 4. Once on green, mark ball and putt from same spot 5. Players may purchase Mulligans before and during the tourney for use on all holes except game holes.

- Registration $75.00 per player (includes lunch, golf, golf cart, and range balls) Cost to CERT will be $55.00, resulting in a donation of $20.00 per player. If each CERT member gets one or two friends/neighbors to play, we should have a very successful tournament.

- Sponsorships

§ Eagle Sponsors… $500.00 Includes twosome entered in tournament and sponsor-provided corporate banner hung at registration. Sole hole sponsor with sign at tee box.

§ Birdie Sponsors… $175.00 Includes one entry in tournament. Sign with name or business name at tee box.

§ PAR Sponsors… $50.00 Includes sign with name or business at tee box.

Security Update Jim said that Security is starting to use the Nextel walkie-talkie phone feature quite effectively. The phones allow clearer, more secure communications. He also said that his Security staff is enforcing the driver’s license requirements for all vehicles, especially as it applies to youngsters.

Volusia County Fire Captain Tim Martin presented us with a large container full of supplies including a first aid kit, 2 fire extinguishers, 2 radios, portable stretcher, glow sticks, flashlights, and other goodies. He said that more would be coming as the county gets funded. Tim will be working with us to schedule another class, hopefully in November.

It’s good to see you "snow birds" flying back into the Creek, and we look forward to you joining us for our CERT winter activities.

