Spruce Creek Fly-In CERT

May 2003 Meeting Training Exercise

Location: South Gate Security Building

Date & Time: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 2 PM

Questions: Dave McCarthy 788-4709


SCOPE: Proper use of the Operations Board and base station CERT radio.

Some disasters occur with a warning. Hurricanes for example are plotted for weeks prior to striking the coast. In situations like those there is not need to "wait" until something happens. Proper Planning is the secret. With CERT we can make all of the contacts to find out which members are going to be available if and when the time comes. We can have the Command Center up days a head of time. All of the necessary equipment could be checked and rechecked.

Completely unexpected emergencies or disasters are the types that require the most training. Questions that need to be considered are:

  • Who is in CHARGE? Well it could be YOU!
  • Where are the "TEAM Members?" They might not be aware of the situation or they may be involved already working on the problems.
  • Where do we go and what do we do?
  • Where do I get the help and supplies I need to help my friends and neighbors … now?!
  • And many more questions will arise as time goes on.
  • Most of the questions have answers. Communications is what is needed to get the answers. In an emergency the communications must go to a central point. Upward communications to the Command center are required to allow good downward communications. The Command center must make decisions! The Command center needs valid information to make the decisions and, as additional information is received, Command must adjust the resources and personnel to help the greatest number of people.

    When the EMTs and other Emergency Services arrive, the Command center must supply all pertinent information, allowing immediate and effective deployment of the services.

    PURPOSE: Train CERT Team members who are not familiar with the location and operation of the Command center equipment and radio.

    OBJECTIVE: Hands-on setup and operation of the command station will be practiced. Documentation, Team member location, assignment of personnel and logistics are all part of the operation. (In a disaster someone must assume the leadership roll and coordinate the efforts of the Team members in the Zones. It is not possible to list an individual as the Operator of the Command center, so this exercise will give us a feel for the Operator duties.)

    IMPORTANT: IN THE EVENT OF A REAL EMERGENCY OR INJURY DURING THIS DRILL PRECEDE YOUR RADIO COMMUNICATION WITH "this is a real emergency" OR "this is a real injury" at this point the exercise will be cancelled.


  • All members attending this CERT meeting should bring their Radios and wear their vests and ID badges.
  • Parking may be a problem. Golf carts can park on the sidewalk across from the Security station at the gate. Cars can park on the swale near the tent at the intersection of SC Blvd and CC Drive.
  • Meeting and drill will start at 1400hrs. (2 PM) Tuesday May 13, 2003. Depending on the number of members attending this meeting, we will break into groups. Group one will go to the CERT tent located on Spruce Creek Blvd. and simulate the calls from the Zones. Suggested, "scripts" will be provided. The other group will stay at the gate to setup the operations station, track Zone members, and respond to the radio calls using the CERT base radio. After about 30 minutes the groups will trade locations and we will run a second scenario.
  • There will be no need to search Zones because the script will simulate the damage and injuries for this drill.
  • The Drill will address the following items:

  • Use of the Command Post at the South Gate Security building.
  • Tracking and assignment of the Members
  • Documentation of procedures used at a given disaster.
  • Logistics allocation.
  • COMMAND CENTER: Charlie Clark and Sgt. Wood (WOODY) will help at the South Gate. They did a great job at the last drill and have experience. CERT Members will retrieve the board, set it up, then activate the CERT Radio and start the scenario.

    TENT: The members will be assigned Zones with maps and checklist scenarios. They will read the scripts and report the situations back to Command as required.


  • A storm with strong winds has struck the FLY-In.
  • A search for any of our neighbors that may be injured is required.
  • Damage needs to be assessed.
  • Outside EMERGENCY help is not available at this time because they are overloaded at a local trailer park where the winds did a lot of damage.
  • PROCEDURE: We will not be required to use the call tree or otherwise contact other members. For this drill we will assume everyone has been contacted. The zone evaluations will be done using the "scripts."


  • Every communication must be preceded by the word "SIMULATED"
  • CERT channel 9-11 will be used.
  • The Command post will poll the Zones for information to minimize radio traffic.