CERT Meeting Notes for February 10, 2004

Thanks to the 26 people who attended this month’s meeting.  And a special thanks to Doris Kennedy for opening up her hangar to us.

  • Richard Becker played an excellent Aircraft Accident First Responder video prepared by the FAA.  If you weren’t at the meeting and want to view it, please contact Richard.
  • Richard Becker is planning to organize another CPR class for those of us whose certification ran out in January.  He needs at least 5 people.  Please contact him directly at 760-0407.
  • Geri Hudak will be giving a first aid class on triage and wound treatment at 2 pm on Wednesday,  March 3rd in the POA conference room.  Please contact Geri (767-4977) or me (sprucecreek@netzero.net ) to get your name on the list.
  • Richard reviewed the SC Airport Committee emergency plan draft that is being finalized by Tom Evernham.  The plan includes calling CERT members if added assistance is required.  Richard also pointed out that to protect assets in the POA hangar, only a limited number of people have the access code.  Security has a key at the front gate. The first person dispatched in an emergency should go to the gate and get the key. Also, the following CERT and Airport Committee members have access:
    • P. Rouse, Airport Mgr. 322-4177 or 451-7870 (cell)
    • R. Becker, Asst. Airport Mgr. and CERT Director, 760-0407
    • R. Russell 760-6188 or 405-6226 (cell)
    • F. Bottoms 760-6163 or 795-1592 (cell)
    • A. Brillaud 761-6409 or 405-0201 (cell)
    • T. Evernham 304-8233 or 679-9702 (cell)
    • S. Whittenberger 760-1058 or 846-5132 (cell)
    • E. Hickox, CERT, 788-9111 or 547-8829 (cell)
    • R. Gage, POA Bd. Rep. and CERT, 304-6808
    • D. Funk 304-6144 or 871-0773 (cell)
    • J. Van Osdol 788-5953
  • Pete Vandersluis is getting very close to finalizing his taxiway painting plans.  Stay tuned for details.
  • Several people volunteered to help Dave McCarthy with the Wings and Wheels shuttling and crowd control efforts.  Dave will be supplying details, as the event gets closer.  If you want to help, please contact Dave at 788-4709.

On a personal note… Richard Becker asked once again for someone to pickup the secretarial responsibilities for our CERT organization without any success, so keep in mind that as of March 1, 2004, no one will be performing this roll. Again, if anyone is interested in becoming secretary, please contact me (304-6128) and I will be happy to set you up with a distribution list and other files. Otherwise, remember that CERT meetings are always held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 2 PM in the POA conference room.
