Minutes December 9, 2003 Spruce Creek CERT

The meeting was called to order at 2 p.m. by Chairman Dick Becker. Alexis Fortune was appointed to take minutes for the secretary.

- New CERT members were welcomed. Thirty-two members (11 new members) were in attendance plus 2 Security Officers.

- Announcement was made for the CPR class and Defib review for 12 new members and 3 Security Officers to be held December 10 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the POA Office.

- Ed Hickox asked for volunteers to sign up for a committee to obtain corporate sponsors for the CERT Golf Tournament on January 11, 2004. Each CERT member was requested to get one or two players and individual Tee Sponsors. The deadline is January 3 to firm up plans with the Spruce Creek Country Club.

- Captain Jim Brenton of Security and Ed Hickox are planning a Mock Disaster that will involve an airplane and also will check our notification procedure for CERT members.

- Captain Brenton requested 4 or 5 members to help during the Toy Parade on December 13. Michael Keemar was appointed to chair a possible parade float committee, and the pop-up tent is to be set-up for CERT information at the Parade. Inter-team radio frequency to be used is 611.

- The date for Wings and Wheels is March 20. CERT will be involved to help Security. Mike Keemar and Marge Cummock presented a check for $300 to the Team for purchasing new radios. This check represented the 2003 Wings and Wheels donation.

- Also in the CERT fund is a contribution from the Picard family towards new radios (upgrading to the 7 mile units.) One of these radios will be assigned to each zone. 711 is the new default frequency for CERT. The 6 zone frequencies are 1-6 followed by 11. The default and backup channel on the red radios is 11. New members (who did not already have one) were given radios.

- Ongoing training in triage, bone fractures, wound treatment and the CERT final exam will be scheduled in the future.

- Dick distributed a list of phone numbers for the Airport Emergency Team, as a backup to Security, when it becomes necessary to obtain the CERT supplies at the POA. 911 is the combination for the CERT locker.

- Ed Hickox has t-shirts for $10 and hats and visors for $8.

- The missing Alpha and Bravo PVC taxiway signs will be researched.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Fortune, Acting Secretary