CERT Notes from Nov. 12th meeting                      

We had 28 people in attendance.

Unfortunately the tour of the water treatment facility was cancelled at the last minute because of staffing problems. I was told that when we reschedule, it would have to be a morning tour. We’ll reschedule early next year.

We were glad to have Richard Becker back running our meetings. Since the tour was cancelled, Richard took the opportunity to cover several topics with the group.

Topics discussed included:

A replacement for Susan Stratton – Secretary beginning in January. This is a good transition time for a new secretary now that Richard plans to be here full time and Walter Melton has signed on as Community Relations lead. Susan will provide the next secretary with the necessary distribution lists and guidance on getting started. (John will continue to do the website updates.)  Anyone interested in becoming secretary, please let Richard or Susan know.  Being secretary is an excellent way of getting to know everybody and also to network with SC Security, Volusia County Fire and Rescue, and state-level organizations. 

Radios – Richard encouraged the group to carry our radios when we’re out so if we see anything that Security needs to be aware of, we can radio them and they will respond. Security can’t be everywhere, so they need all the extra eyes they can get.

Walter Melton was introduced as our Community Relations person. He will be our main contact person with outside organizations and governments.  Walter will need assistance from the team from time-to-time, so let’s all help him be successful in this role.

Toy Parade – Walter will get with Capt. Gillespie about having a truck on the 14th. It was suggested that some could walk and hand out CERT applications and information while, as Mike Keemar suggested, some of the CERT members could do the “Drill Team” act in full CERT uniform this year. (The fellows who did it last year are not available.) If you remember, the “drill team” was a group of about 10 people, all holding battery-powered drills with flags chucked in them, who did basic drill team maneuvers like “present drills” and “about face,” and “fire drills”, etc. Mike knows someone with a flat bed that we could use. Please let me know ASAP if you are interested in participating.

Ed Hickox talked about the Security Assistance training of 15 hours.  Anyone interested in assisting with gate on Mondays and Fridays, the busiest days for Security, please contact Ed.

Upcoming activities:

Spruce Creek Mock Disaster: Jose Fernandez is coordinating this and will be looking for assistance, as the time gets closer. The drill will be held sometime during the 3rd week of January.

House Number Painting: It was suggested that the CERT group volunteer to paint house numbers on the taxiway side of the hangars for SC Security and 911 uses. This idea was in response to Ed Hickox stating that many houses don’t have house numbers (even on the street side) and people don’t seem inclined to take this necessary precaution. So, Ed is going to run the idea of us at least putting numbers on the taxiway side by the POA board and airport manager.


CPR Classes: Walter Melton is checking on a date for this and we will let the group know as soon as we have a confirmed date. If anyone wants to sit in on this as a refresher, you should feel free to do so.

Refresher First Aid Class by Jenny Weber. Walter is also checking with Jenny on her schedule for January or February.

Next CERT Class:  There will be seven three-hour classes. The classes will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 9:30PM in the POA conference room. The first class being held Tuesday, January 7th. The last class will be Tuesday, Jan. 28. Please encourage you friends and neighbors to attend. 

Next Meeting:

I will distribute the agenda for the next meeting as soon as we get it firmed up.  For certain, we will talk about Toy Parade and SC Mock Disaster. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, December 12, 2002 at 2pm in POA Conference room.

Please have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.

