CERT Meeting Notes for March 11th, 2003

Note: Thank you to the 20 people who attended this month’s meeting.

Meeting Highlights

o John and Susan Stratton opened the meeting with a recounting of their experience in which they used their CERT Training. An elderly neighbor of theirs had fallen in her driveway. Luckily, they happened by and were able to answer her call for help. John removed her protective dog from the scene and went to inform the husband. Susan stayed with victim and contacted Security on the CERT radio that they keep in their golf cart. Once Susan indicated to Security that it was an emergency and the address, Officer Walter Melton was there almost before she was done transmitting information. Security contacted 911. When paramedics and daughter arrived, Susan remained with victim so that the daughter could give the paramedics all the necessary information. John kept the husband calm and away from the activity.

o Richard Becker had been made aware that kids were using a CERT-like radio and our 9-11 frequency to contact Security to say there was an emergency at the playground and other locations. It became obvious to Security that these were pranks, but it went on for three hours on a busy Sat. afternoon during Bike Week. Security was unable to determine who the kids were, as they would not reply when asked for their name or address. Although Security couldn’t prove that the pranksters were using a CERT-issued radio, they did ask that the CERT members be extra careful with their radios and who might use them.

o Thanks to a generous donation from the Octoberfest folks, Security now has a portable defibrillator in the roving truck. John Sluss and Ed Hickox were instrumental in getting this through the POA board. Thanks guys!

o There was also discussion about the drill we had in January. Below are some of the comments:

- First person on the scene should tie a white strip (could be any cloth) around their arm to identify him/her as "the person in charge." It was said that with the confusion during the drill, anyone coming into the area with injuries did not know who was giving directions. It was decided that "the person in charge" should have an armband for identification, be the one to give directions to supporting team members, and be the one to communicate with CERT command while the others do the work.

- Security has agreed that in an emergency they will contact one person in each Zone. With that procedure in mind, the group decided that the call tree should be set up by Zone with a cross over between Zones to maintain continuity. Dave McCarthy said he would do this.

- Next drill will be set up to allow CERT members to use and observe the operation of CERT command.

- CERT command persons should be qualified for radio use. There was no discussion on how to accomplish this.

Other general discussion:

o Some CERT members do not come to the meetings for one reason or another. Someone on the team should go through the call list to verify the posted information and establish the interest in and commitment to CERT of those who have not been attending meetings. The group agreed that while some members do not attend the CERT meetings, they are CERT trained and they would hopefully be around to assist in a real disaster. Others are concerned that the people who do not attend are lagging behind in training and preparedness.

o The Wings and Wheels booth drummed up ten folks interested in CERT training. Five need evening class and five need daytime. With these and the four others who were going to sign up for the evening class in January, we may finally be close enough to the magic # of ten for the Fire and Rescue folks to come in and do a class. If Officer Walter Melton can check with Capt. Gillespie soon, we may be able to have a class by the end of April.

o The meeting was concluded with a review of the CERT training Final Exam. If you would like the exam answers, tough luck! Seriously, if you’d like the answers, contact Susan.

Next Meeting is April 8th.

We have a full agenda planned for the April meeting:

o Dick Becker will report on his meeting with the SC Airport Committee regarding CERT participation in airport accidents. A lot was learned from the recent accident, and procedures need to be updated.

o Mike and Cheri Keemar will report on their CERT presentation at the Newcomer’s Meeting.

o With hurricane season right around the corner, it is appropriate that we will have special guests, John and Kathy Taylor of Spruce Creek, show us the videos of their home and surrounding area taken before and after Hurricane Andrew. You will be stunned to see how the scene evolves from a casual "oh well, a storm is coming" to "oh my Lord, our home and neighborhood is destroyed." Kathy, a former EMT and fire-rescue instructor, will give insights into how they and their neighbors coped with the devastation, and John, a pilot, will take us through his search for his missing airplane. You won’t want to miss this.