The exercise scheduled for January 30th is intended to continue the training process and to assess our response to a specific threat to our community. The drill is scheduled to begin at 1:00 PM and will likely last 3 hours. The scenario is a Tornado strike causing damage/injuries in at least two different areas in Spruce Creek. This drill will assess our ability to:

  • Communicate on our CERT radios.
  • Test the effectiveness of our Command Post located in the South Gate guardhouse.
  • Transport emergency supplies to the affected areas.
  • Triage, provide basic medical care and transport injured victims as appropriate.
  • Locate and isolate as necessary damaged areas.
  • Allocate resources as needed.


  • A tornado has touched down
  • Damage to the community needs to be assessed
  • The Fire Department will be unable to respond for at least 4 hours
  • There will be areas with minor damage in most zones. The damaged areas/homes need to be identified and reported to Command Post
  • There will be some simulated personal injuries requiring medical care
  • There will be two areas of major damage potentially requiring isolating the area to prevent further injuries


  • SC security will call the CERT contact in each zone
  • The zone contact will mobilize the zone members
  • Each zone will be designate an "assembly point" (this needs to be done in advance of this exercise)
  • The assembly point will allow each zone to report to the Command Post the number of CERT members present. While zone members are proceeding to the assembly point, they should be doing a quick damage assessment.
  • Unless instructed otherwise, the zone members will assess the damage to their zone and report to the Command Post

Damage Assessment:

  • Every area in each zone needs to be inspected. This includes streets, taxiways and common areas.
  • Do Not go onto the Golf Course or Country Club property.
  • There will be signs designating the damage. The CERT member’s judgment will determine the response to the damage. Some damage will require immediate reporting and action, including the shifting of resources from one zone to another. Other damage will only require logging.

Reporting to Command Post: The reporting process will be the same as the May 13th exercise. Every communication must be preceded by "Simulated".

  • The CERT channel is 9,. Sub-channel 11.
  • Zones may use their own channels such as 1-11 (Zone A), 2-11 (Zone B), etc. Remember someone in the zone should continuously monitor 9-11. The buddy system should work well for this.
  • The Command Post will poll the zones for information to minimize routine radio traffic (emergency communications, of course, take precedence).

Emergency events must be reported immediately by:

  • Interrupting any transmissions by pressing the Call Button (music note)
  • Command will immediately acknowledge the call and ask all other traffic to "stand by"
  • CERT team member reporting information reports:
  • Damage, including extent of damage and potential for secondary damage
  • Location
  • Resources needed
  • General Information:

    • CERT members should wear full gear, (vests, hats, backpacks, radios and ID badges). Please be sensitive to the fact that Spruce Creek residents/visitors may not be aware of this exercise and we do not want to alarm them. If there are any questions, stop what you are doing and discuss what we are doing with any concerned individual. This not only allays any concerns, it also provides some positive PR for CERT.
    • Each CERT member must have his or her CERT Field Manual or Spruce Creek Fly-In "CERT Team Zone Checklist". Contact Susan Stratton, 304-6128 if you need a copy.
    • Remember your own needs first…sunscreen, water, snacks, etc.
    • Use whatever transportation you would normally use during a disaster.
    • The exercise will be critiqued at the "Tree" immediately after the exercise.

    Zone Contacts:

    Zone Contact Phone
    A Eleanor Champlain 756-9928
    B Fay Doorneweerd 304-1656
    C Brenda Lear 763-5056
    D Jack Beall 760-1745
    E Bonnie Siler 322-7634
    F Ray Gage 304-6808

    IMPORTANT: In the event of a REAL EMERGENCY OR INJURY, precede your radio call with: "This is a real emergency/injury." At that point the exercise will be called off.