CERT Meeting Notes for December 10th , 2002

 Note: These minutes are coming out after the Toy Parade.  Therefore, we want to express a huge THANK YOU to the CERT members who helped with traffic and runway control.  Also, the CERT “Drill Team” float won second place (we just couldn’t compete with bathing beauties).


  • We welcome back Pete Vandersluis and we bid good-bye to Gary Apple.
  • Pete Rouse solicited help for ground support for the Toy Parade.
  • Mike Keemar presented the concept for the CERT “Drill Team.”
  • Charlie Clark gave a review of the mock disaster that was held by the Volusia Count EOC and in which he and 3 other CERT members participated in.
  • It was requested that we have a refresher session after the next CERT class.  Perhaps we could have a CERT instructor go over the final exam that we have.
  • It was suggested that we use the Call Tree to remind members of the next meeting.
  • Jose Fernandez set a date and time, Thursday, January 30th from 1 pm to 4 pm, for our next Spruce Creek Mock Disaster.  In general, the exercise will include the following:

Purpose:  To test the ability of the CERT team to deal with a community-wide event involving two major disaster sites.

Functions:  Alert and Notification; Communications: Coordination and Control; Damage Assessment; Extrication/First Aid.

Areas:  The intent is to set up two disaster sites.  One site will have several minor simulated injuries.  The second site will have a greater number of victims and some structural damage requiring some extrication.

Disaster Scenario:  A tornado has touched down in Spruce Creek there are two reported areas of major damage.  The CERT team is alerted and requested to do a quick community-wide assessment.  As team check in with Command Post, team members will be asked to send some zone members to the major disaster areas while the rest continue with their zone assessments.

This scenario will test our ability to alert the CERT and assign assets as priorities dictate.  The need to obtain/transport our supplies will also be tested.  This is a fairly ambitious scenario requiring major coordination/communication.

Jose will be looking for volunteers to help him plan, set up, and execute the exercise.  Geri Hukak will be getting “fake first aid supplies” set up in the POA hangar, and Charlie Clark with be assisting at the command center.

·       Pete Vandersluis suggested that we think about having an end-of-season cookout/picnic for some fun.

·       It was mentioned that CERT should make a short presentation at the Newcomers Meeting next fall.

·       Mike Keemar asked that we start thinking about helping out with ground control at Wings and Wheels March 15th, 2003.  Some of the duties might include matching up lost parents and kids, directing traffic, ferrying handicapped/elderly people via golf cart from the parking area to the tree, etc.

·       Ed Hickox will be asked to get more CERT hats. (We still have T-shirts available.  Call Susan at 304-6128.)

We are still looking for a secretary to replace Susan in January.  She has the secretary job very well organized with rosters and mailing lists computerized.  The main duties include taking notes at the meetings, sending out meeting reminders, and sending out special announcements.  Many of the organizing and coordinating duties have been taken over by Richard Becker, our Director, and Security Officer Walter Melton, our Community Relations Representative.  If you would like to know more about being CERT secretary, please give Susan a call at 304-6128.